
What is making you excited, filled up, jubilant these days?

Sue and I are having great fun with our grandson Noah. He is so curious and excited by life that it is just a joy to be able to spend time with him.

Vacation is coming and I am looking forward to it. Last year I got Noah out in my ride on top kayak and we traveled all around one of the quiet bays off of Loon Lake and saw fish and dragon flies and loons and even deer we managed to spook when we got to close to shore.

How about you?

Lots of things in this life can get us down, make us frustrated and angry!

But what’s lifting you up, putting a smile on your face, making you feel like not only are you making a difference, but that God is making a difference through you?

Have you volunteered at the Food Pantry? It’s good for what ails you to see the incredible ministry our Deacons and volunteers are doing!

Did you see those teens in the Confirmation Class last week? Just seeing them mature and claim this faith for themselves makes me jubilant!

What is making you jubilant? I ask because it’s an important question. I know sometimes my questions are rhetorical, but this time it is a truly serious question!
What is making you excited?

What is filling up your soul?

What is making you jubilant these days?

Because if you can’t identify something, in facts lots of somethings, I would suggest that you are not in a healthy spiritual space.

More than that, I would even go a step further and suggest that perhaps, somehow, you’ve become disconnected from the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.


Because if you are connected to the Spirit, if resurrection power is flowing in you, not only should you be getting up and going and making a difference in this world on behalf of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords -   but you should also be overflowing with joy!

What is it that Paul says? “God’s Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.”  In other words, full of the joy of the Lord! 

And if you aren’t full of the joy of the Lord, who or what is standing against you? 

I mean, think about it: He who was dead is alive! Hallelujah! 

And so shall we be forever more! 

So, if you aren’t joyous, what is stealing your joy?
Your job? Your family? Other people around you?

Or is it more subtle. The news. Social media. Politics.

If you look out the window and see the amazing world we live in, the flowers blooming, the trees all green, and the butterflies, birds and even hummingbirds out in the yard, how can you not end up with a smile in your heart as you sense the wonder of God’s creation?

The other night there was a lunar eclipse of what was a huge blood moon! Did you see the pictures? Amazing! A gift for all of us who worship and rejoice in the work of the creator!

And then on Wednesday I think, a black bear crossed Route 211 in the Town of Wallkill. 

I’m pretty sure he had been at either Sonic or Dunkin Donuts and was headed home. It makes me chuckle. God is good!

I see the sun in the morning and the moon and stars at night! I marvel at the joy that in June and July we will be baptizing five babies with the possibility of at least two more. 

And my heart just rejoices with the arrival of every little one that God has entrusted to our community’s care, as well as their parents, siblings and whole families.

God has blessed us, so how can we not be jubilant!

Sure, there are challenges!

But we are coming out of the pandemic, we are getting our economy rolling along again, and as a church, we are beginning to open up in ways that will allow us to share and care and make a difference in amazing new ways.

Think about it, we are even trying to figure out about teachers for kids in the classrooms in September, youth leaders for all our youth, and even talking about a march band that doesn’t march for the Village’s Centennial Celebration in September!

The scripture reminds us to “keep our eyes on Jesus”. So, instead of focusing on what is distressing, focus on what is good!

Look and see all the opportunities ahead. Note how you can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling!  Then you will sing and shout and celebrate in Spirit’s presence in your life.

Make your choice, to live out Paul’s marks of the Spirit’s presence in you, being loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.”

That’s my choice! Amen!