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Have you figured out why the bulletin cover is a picture of socks? Each week I try to find something that is symbolic of the theme we are talking about in the sermon.

And we have been talking about generosity, about being blessed to be a blessing, our generosity as a measure spiritual maturity.

Being generous is the evidence that Christ is in us and moving through us.

It is a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence.

It is a reminder that we are not here in this world just to exists, but we are here to make a difference.

Did you hear what I said? 

We are here, you and I on purpose. 

It is no accident, that you are here, that I am here, and that we are talking generosity. God has planned this and intends it, so that we together can grow in faith, and in action.

The last two week we have talked about generosity, shown in our caring and in our sharing, in what we do for others and what we do with others.

Today we take a quantum step beyond what we could do even if our faith was very weak or even nonexistent, because today we talk about freeing others!

Jesus, quoting Isaiah reminds us that the ministry of the Messiah – and by extension ours – is to be about giving good new to the poor and sight to the blind!

But also, to free prisoners.

And while the first and most obvious group of prisoners are those in jails, Jesus own ministry makes clear that the calling is to go way beyond those literal jail cells to all those things that hold us arrested from becoming all that God is calling us to be.

As the generous people of God, we are to be freedom fighters, to fight for those held back in this world not only by injustice, but also by things that for the most part escape our seeing and hearing and understanding.

I watched online as a baby is given a cochlear implant for the first time and hears their mother’s voice, and both are set free.

I see a man whose wheelchair was stolen get a new one, and watch the tears of joy run down his face as the freedom it brings to his life overwhelms him. And one notes, all the people around him.

Yes, it is good to fill a Christmas shoebox and a Thanksgiving basket and even a pledge card! Do what you can, and know that together we will do miracles.

Share your life with another person who is trying to grow in faith. Invite them to come to a bible study with you. Or start a new study in your house. 

Get the same DVD set I did for The Chosen, or come have me give you one, so that you can mentor another believer at the same time you reimage Jesus in a way that will blow your mind.

I will give you a set for free if you promise to share it with at least one or two or three others who are trying to grow in faith. Make sure you discuss each episode together. It will blow your mind.

But generosity also call us to something more – to free others, to help them up and out of what is holding them back from being all that God has called for them to be.

From the injustices caused by a human society that has literally made captives of all kinds of people, people of color, those captured in war, people with physical, mental, emotional, even financial disabilities.

We are called to do what we can to set them free as Jesus did, starting with Mary Magdeline from whom he cast out demons, and the Samaritan woman, whom he invited to walk away from the captivity of cultural exclusion. And the leper, who had to move about his community calling out “unclean, unclean” to warn the “clean” people that he was nearby.

Think of all those whom our society has ostracized, all those whom even the church has pushed away, and understand that Jesus is inviting them to come home, and making clear we are to serve as the hosts!

We who have been blessed to be a blessing, are called up to care, share, and free others around us so that they can feel the love of Christ, and know that God is with them, just as God is with us!

So how do we free them?

Well in the Harry Potter stories, you free your house elf by giving them a sock. Something personal and valuable, and sign and symbol that you care enough about them that you want them to be free.

Give them, those who are captive, your time, energy, and love, so that they can be free… 

Because we have been blessed to be a blessing. 

Here God’s call to you.
