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Assuming you listened to both of Edgar’s sermons and Jim’s is probably a bit of a stretch. 

But if you did, you know that Joseph, the Interpreter of Dreams, not only drempt dreams like other biblical characters that God used; but Joseph could also interpret dreams.

We all dream, if not all the time, sometimes. And sometimes it would be nice to have an interpretation. Because sometimes the dreams are, well, weird, and we have no idea what they mean, if anything.

To have someone come by, listen to our dream, and tell us what it means would be amazing.

And interpret dreams Joseph did - not only the dreams of Pharoah’s cupbearer and chef - but also Pharoah’s own dreams!

Dreams of fat cows eaten up by skinny cows, and healthy heads of grain swallowed up by skinny heads of grain.

With God’s help and God’s blessing, Joseph told Pharoah of a coming famine and what to do to alleviate it.

To collect grain in the years of plenty and to distribute that same grain in the years of need.

Way cool! 
The guy from jail, a Hebrew at that, a former slave, who says he can interpret dreams, and says that God is the one giving him the interpretations is on!

To which Pharoah responded, okay, thanks; back to jail you go!


Instead, he does the unthinkable!

He put Joseph, that Hebrew slave in charge of the famine relief effort for all of Egypt, a position so powerful and influential Joseph reported only to Pharoah himself!

Have you even been in a situation where humility has been thrust upon you? Where you had to eat your words, so to speak. 

Where you got an unexpected and unwelcomed reminder of something you said or did that now you are going to have to pay for?

A couple of weeks ago, at bible study we were looking at Philippians 4:4-5, where it says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Okay, I can do that!

Then it says, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near!”

The rejoice part I got, I think. 

But when Paul says, “…let your gentleness be evident to all!”

Yeah, that’s a problem, and not just a personal problem, but a problem for the whole church and the whole culture!
Think about that. 

Be gentle, be caring, be kind. Don’t say stuff or do stuff that isn’t what Jesus would do. One example might be, don’t throw your brother in an empty cistern and sell him as a slave! 

Another might be, don’t say stuff or repeat stuff on Instagram or Facebook or whatever social media you are using that isn’t kind, gentle or caring. 

Because that stuff reveals your character, your integrity, and your Christlikeness – or not.

I don’t know if you know who Hailey Baldwin is. She’s married to Justin Bieber, the singer. She tells the story of being on social media and having one woman call her a whore.

So, she looked up the woman’s profile, where the woman proclaims herself as an active Christian and has a scripture passage listened as her life verse. And Hailey is like, what?

Remember, what you post reveals your character, your integrity, and your Christlikeness – or not.

So now, the ten brothers of Joseph are on their way to Egypt, where they will – have to – bow down – to Joseph.

Because Egypt has food!

Genesis tells us the famine was so widespread that eventually, even in the land of Canaan, there was no food.

And so off to Egypt the ten brothers go – into the land of grain – and humility.

Be careful what you do. 

Be careful what you say. 

Watch those dreams carefully.

Because God has got you. And “The Lord is near.”
