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Some of you know that John Goldsmith and I are part of a Brass Quintet. We’ve actually been playing for maybe 20 years off and on.

And to tell the truth it’s actually a lot of fun!

Two trumpets, a French horn, a trombone, and a tuba, gives us a lot of musical possibilities and a good bit of musical power. We play all kinds of music, jazz, pop, classical, folk, and even some theme songs!

We’ve just added two pieces to our repertoire, the theme music to The Pirates of the Caribbean, and the theme music to The Magnificent Seven! 

It’s great music, but…

“How do you get to Carnegie Hall?”


And that is exactly what is ahead for our quintet, because if you want to play well, if you want to get the notes right, the dynamics, the tempo, and get it right with the other members of the group, you have to practice, individually and together.

And it turns out the same is true of joy!

In order to experience joy, in order experience joy in all of its fullness, in order to live joyful lives, we have to decide that joy is the world in which we will live! 

That our frame of reference in all things will not be sadness, anger, jealousy, bitterness, and depression. But instead, our frame of reference will be joy!

The world’s frame of reference is anger, disappointment, and a sense that we are victims, oh poor us. 

But believers, followers of Jesus are jubilant! Why?

Because joy is a choice, an act of faith, a willingness to see the world through the lens of the resurrected Christ, and instead of seeing the challenges we face as problems, instead see them as opportunities. 

Opportunities to see God at work in the world, to see the church at work, to see our brothers and sisters in faith at work.

To see this life with all of its issues, as a glass that not just as half full, but as a glass God is about to fill to overflowing!

Joy is a choice; and in order to be filled with joy, you have to practice joy!

I have often shared the story of Carolee Union who told us a bit about her life at one of our church retreats. She told us she kept a gratitude journal. 

About sitting down at her kitchen table in the midst of a life that was weighed down after the death of her husband, working and trying to care for their children by herself, and trying to find things to be grateful for.

She said, “And then as I sat staring out the window, a bluebird sat down to eat at the bird feeder outside the window. And I wrote in my journal that today I was grateful for the gift of that bluebird. And that opened up a list of all kinds of things I was grateful for.”

If all you see around you is what is wrong with the world out there and even in your own world, you will miss not only God’s wonderful gifts to you, but you will miss out on the gift of joy!

The apostle James says in James chapter 1, verse 2, “My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy!”

In some ways that sounds crazy, considering trials and tribulation, the messes of life as joy. 

But James believed that it is the messes of life that open opportunities for God to bless you, and may even open your eyes to the blessings even in the mess.

Jesus even coaches his disciples to prepare them for his crucifixion and death by pointing out that while his death will be agony for them, joy will soon emerge from the suffering, much like the joy of the newborn baby sets aside the misery of childbirth.

It’s not that it didn’t happen, ask Hailey or any mom. It did, it was bad, no one should have to suffer like that. An Epidural is good, but to be sure, contractions aren’t fun.

But as soon as you see that little one, oh my! That joy rocks your world!

The Apostle Paul reminds the Philippians to rejoice, to feel the joy, to experience the peace, to focus on what God is doing in your life and in the world, not what is wrong with it.

And he says it twice to make sure the point got across! Rejoice, and again I say, rejoice!

Practice joy. 

Look at your life through the lens of joy. See what God is doing!

And then seeing the joy, sing joy, pray joy. Be jubilant and give thanks to God.


It will change your life! Amen.