
Many, many years ago, when I was in Sunday School, I remember hearing this story from Mark’s gospel. And I remember thinking how cool it was that the paralyzed man’s friends somehow dug through a roof to lower him down to where Jesus was sitting and teaching.

I am not sure I understood what paralyzed meant. And I am quite sure I had no idea what it would take to open up a roof. And I certain wasn’t sure how they lower him down.

Instead, what I was taken with was the work, the effort, the tenacity and the devotion with which they worked in order to make sure that their paralyzed friend somehow got to where Jesus was.

My wonder actually went in two directions. 

First, what was it about this paralyzed man that motivated his friends so? Was it his desperate situation, or was it more than that? 

Was he the kind of man who despite his ailment inspired the love and devotion of those who knew him? 

Was he kind and generous, so much so that others around him loved and respected him so much that to get him to the healer by hook or by crook was an absolute necessity?

If I can be that kind of man, I want to be!

I want to be the kind of man where my friends are willing to do almost anything to help me when I am in a pinch. 

In so many ways, if indeed this man was that kind of friend, then he was very much like Jesus. So much so, that when Jesus saw him, I suspect he saw a kindred spirit.

On the other hand, what about these friends? 

When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone who you just knew needed a boost, a helping hand, a friend?

Friendship is so powerful! 

Did you know that most people who come to a church to visit and then choose stay at that church, do so for one reason only?

And it’s not the preaching. It’s not the music. It’s not the child care. 

It’s friendship. 

It’s finding a friend to share the pew with. It’s having someone there on Sunday morning you look forward to seeing and who is hoping you will be there too. 

And who will seek you out if you miss just one Sunday, because they miss you too!

Churches that work hard at growing deep meaningful friendships between their members and with everyone new who visits are power houses, because of the intricately woven framework of love and support that exists beneath the Sunday worship experience.
For those of us who pray regularly that God would grow this church as he desires, we also need to pray for friendships, and not just friendships between the old established members. 

But new growing friendships with each person God sends to us to befriend. 

Remember, no one comes here unless God has sent them. So, to fail in friendship with them is to fail the God who entrusted them to our care. Not, I would point out to the pastor’s care, but to our care as the body of Christ.

These friends of the paralyzed man are amazing. 

They not only carry the man from home to the place where Jesus is teaching, but seeing the crowd realize this man who can’t walk will never get near enough to him to perhaps be one of the one’s healed today.

So, acting much like, for example, Dave and Kevin and a few other crazies that inhabit this church, they come up with the insane plan of just opening up the roof and dropping their friend down. It’s obvious right!

Our friend is outside, Jesus is inside, let’s tear off the roof. 

Evidently it didn’t require power tools, which is always more fun. Instead, the roof probably made of thatch or stucco, so they ripped up a section, tied ropes to the corners of the blanket and hoisted their friend over the side and down.

Imagine Jesus and the people down below, going “what the heck is going on”! And then there he is. And notice that little half smile on Jesus’s face as he watched what was happening! 
The scripture says, “When Jesus saw how much faith they had….” 

Has it ever occured to you that your faith on behalf of your friends matters?

Now, we’ve all survived Christmas. We’ve talked about seeing hope and hearing hope and we have told and retold the story of Jesus birth. 

But do you understand that sharing hope, sharing not only the good news, that is the story, but making it real by doing hope, by bringing your friends to the master, matters.

When you pray for a friend, when you invite a friend, when you care for a friend, when you choose to become a friend, you are helping carry them into the presence of the Lord!

And Jesus sees what you have done. And it is why he calls you a good and faithful servant!

Once on the floor of the room there was a debate as to whether Jesus could forgive sins. It ended when Jesus said to the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.”

And as the man went home, what do you think the chances are that those friends surrounded him and hugged him and cheered for him and his healing all night long!

Because that’s what friends do. Be a friend that Jesus can look up to. 

Just saying. 
