
Did you know that discipleship was always intended to happen in groups? 

That while it is possible for us to grow in faith out on our own, it is the hardest possible way to grow!

It’s like trying to learn to be part of the soccer team while practicing soccer at home by yourself. 

You might be able to dribble and shoot goals, but learning how to pass the ball, how to deal with defenders, how to anticipate a move by a teammate, how to learn plays, that happens with the team!

Now, could you learn it at home, it might be possible. 

I suppose you could YouTube it and see how it is supposed to happen. 

But learning teamwork, needs well, teamwork!

And the discipleship process, that is, becoming more and more like Jesus in the way we think and act, really needs the rough and tumble of being in the community of faith.

Now don’t misunderstand. I think you can learn and grow a whole lot of some serious faith skills on your own!

You can read the bible and get to know it well!

You can tune in and hear just amazingly wonderful preaching right here on Sunday morning on Facebook, YouTube and on our website!

You can pray, all by yourself.

But community, even an online community like a Zoom bible study or a Zoom book study or a Zoom EMPOWERclass for perhaps Lilliana or Ashlyn or a Zoom prayer meeting - might just help you and for that matter the others attending - with growing your faith!

I mean, think about it. Up here in the front of the church I can pretty much say what I want.

But in a Zoom bible study, folks ask questions! They want to know more! They realize that what I’m saying is not what they thought and they want to know how this fits with that.

Community, while it can make you crazy, can also be the fertile ground that allows your faith and understanding to blossom!

Even an EMPOWER class can do that! 

Or an “after Mr. Farley gets done talking” discussion can do that. Because that’s when you get to say to the teacher, “where do you live”? 

Or “why is the community meeting, like in a bible study, or a EMPOWER class, or a youth group, or a mission trip, or a task group like the Women’s Auxiliary, or the Food Pantry Volunteers or a Zoom group so important”?

Because it is the place we get to hear not just Jesus’ teachings, but we can see, and feel, and sometimes even taste and touch and smell what it is like to do what Jesus did, and what Jesus wants us to do.

Several years ago, the church’s senior high class used to bake bread for our Sunday Communion services. The whole church building smelled like fresh bread.

And all the church people smelled like fresh bread!

So, when the time came in the service and the pastor said, “This bread is the body of Christ broken for you”! 


You not only tasted it, but you felt it, you saw it, you heard it, and instead of tears and sadness at Jesus’ sacrifice, that wonderful bread brought to your senses the amazing love of God in that sweet smell!

And that happened in community.  In fact, that always happens in community if you are looking for it.

The Apostle Paul - and the word “apostle” means “sent one” - is telling the Ephesians - that is the people in the church in Greek speaking city of Ephesus – that community is the fertile ground where disciples grow.

It’s kind of like a really good garden - well sometimes. When the church remembers that it is supposed to be a garden, that we are a disciple making family, not so much an institution.

So, tell me, what makes a garden amazing? 
Good soil, lots of sun, plenty of water, healthy plants, fertilizer, and no bugs.

It’s a lot of work for sure, but have you ever had a fresh tomato out of an amazing backyard garden? So good! 

So, hear this!

Freelancing, going all on your own as a follower of Jesus is possible, but it is nothing like optimal! If you want to become more and more like Jesus, you have to find some community!

It’s why we, as Paul says, “patiently put up with each other”. Because it is in the community, online and in person, where we grow the best.

Now I have heard a rumor that our church youth group has a ping pong table somewhere. And I like to play ping pong!

It turns out playing ping pong by yourself is hard. But playing with a bunch of well-practiced youth could be interesting. 

Of course, that would require a community to gather and start playing so that everyone gets better and can play their best game.

We’ll see what is ahead, but you all I suspect get the point. 

Together we are better than apart, especially as followers of Jesus. 

And honestly, I can see Jesus playing ping pong. 
For that matter volleyball and soccer too.

Remember, God loves us and wants us to grow in faith. Amen.