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So, when I knew that I was going to lead worship at least a few times this summer it was a few months ago, and the twins were both in the confirmation class. As part of the class they were asked to memorize several different things: the Lord's Prayer, Apostles Creed, Amazing Grace and of course Psalm 23. While I was worried and well kind of grieving about Jeff leaving. These two were walking around the house reciting Psalm 23 over and over again. I remember Mason doing the same thing 3 years ago during covid. Back then Jeff had us record a video of him reciting it because we still weren’t back to in person worship quite yet. In both cases hearing it put my mind at ease. I know it is an extremely well known and familiar passage that many of us can recite in whole or in part, but the funny thing was all three of my children had pulled the psalm off of the internet and all three of them memorized a slightly different version. The language of each version didn’t quite match but the meaning of course is the same. The path we take through life is one in which the lord guides us; the path we have before us as a congregation is guided by the lord. We just have to give ourselves to him and have faith.
“he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me”
 “You are true to your name, and you lead me, along the right paths. I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won't be afraid”

Whichever version you know the message is the same. We are being guided by god. 

If you know me, I am a social studies teacher, which I think naturally makes me skeptical and I am really well versed at playing devil’s advocate with my students. I am always trying to look at all points of view and to get them to see all sides of an argument or situation. This means I’m constantly using multiple sources in my teaching. When I ask them to prove a point I am making them cite different evidence sources to make it concrete. 
Psalm 23 isn’t the only scripture that refers to us following the lord’s path.

Proverbs 4 25- 27 Keep looking straight ahead, without turning aside. Know where you are headed,and you will stay on solid ground. Don't make a mistake by turning to the right or the left.

Psalm 32:8. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

The path before us as a congregation in the near future will not always be easy and we will all be called upon to help out and step up or pull together.  Having faith is only part of the Lord’s path, getting to work is the next part.
Isaiah 6 verse 8 (After this, I heard the Lord ask, “Is there anyone I can send? Will someone speak for us?” “I'll go,” I answered. “Send me!”) or maybe you know the King James version “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

Lastly, while I know I may not look like it but I used to be an avid hiker. When I lived in Yellowstone it was common to hike 15 or 20 miles a day every weekend. Yes, I was younger and in better shape, but I would hit the trail all day. Sometimes alone, other times in a group, but always with a goal in mind of where I was going and I trusted the path that others before me had made, even if it was grueling.
We have to have confidence in ourselves, faith in the lord, and then get to work. He has a plan and the path for us has been laid out.

I like what Jim Medima did a few months ago with his hands…. Here is the Church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors here are the people.” WE are the church and together we are on God's path. We have many members in the congregation that were here 40 years ago when Jeff was called to worship and some that were on the committee that found and called him here. We were blessed to have him but now it is time to get to work. I truly believe we will find a new shepherd or pastor to guide/lead our faith community. Someone that will be the right fit and help us continue where Jeff left off. 

I am not worried, actually quite the opposite I am confident because I know this is part of the lord’s plan. Now It’s time to get to work.